November 2003 email from Jerry Nosanov  ......

Phil, thanks for the chat....I moved around on the job...we had a twelve  man traveling operation, mostly stationed along the border between East and West Germany. Do you remember what an Angry 41 was....we had them.   Lubeck is in the very north of Germany and a very good listening post towards the east.....I was first in Lubeck, but then went to Detachment "Y".   I was with them for about 3 years, moving every so often....but the longest time was spent in the woods, near Helmstedt.   I was there on the day the wall went up, the photo of the smoke grenades when they were putting down the landmines was the most exciting time.....after the smoke cleared, a horse drawn wagon came from the right side, and when it got in front of us, the sides came down and machine gunners aimed at us, then we waived goodbye, and went to develop our photos.

Thanks again Jerry for sharing your memories.  Jerry would like to hear from other vets who served with him or those who came before or after the 1960s.

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